Justin Timberlake Apologizes For Being Mean To Britney Spears And Whipping Out Janet Jackson's Boob 17-Years-Ago


Source - Justin Timberlake says he's remorseful over the unkind things he said about Britney Spears after their breakup and while he's at it he also apologizes to Janet Jackson.

Justin posted his apology, which reads, "I specifically want to apologize to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson both individually, because I care for and respect these women and I know I failed."

The Apology: 

(click through) 

Justin and Britney's infamous relationship began way back in the early '90s when they were both stars on the revived 'Mickey Mouse Club,' and their puppy love blossomed years later as their popularity soared.

 When they broke up, there were rumors posted that she cheated on Justin, and Justin went on a radio show and bragged about taking Britney's virginity. As for Janet Jackson, he never stepped up to defend her after the wardrobe malfunction during the Super Bowl.

Thank God. I think I speak for everyone when I say that Justin's apology, or lack thereof, is what's been tearing our country apart these past 17 years, so it's nice to see him finally take responsibility for his actions. I just wish he did it sooner. I wish it didn't take a documentary on Britney Spears being enslaved by her father to motivate him to right his wrongs. Regardless, it's better late than never. I don't think he wrote it himself, but at least he put it out. 

Having said that, I can honestly say that when I heard Justin Timberlake was apologizing for something that happened SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO I laughed out loud. Think about how hilarious that it? That Justin Timberlake (in his words) got tagged in so many comments regarding the Britney Spears doc that he put out a formal apology. I mean I get why he did, but the fact that he's doing it all these years later because people on social media told him to is hilarious. 2021 in a nutshell. Oh well, hindsight is 2020 I guess. I think Kevin is doing a OMM on this so keep an eye out for that. Now here's the performance in question for our younger readers who may have never seen it. Enjoy…






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